Friday, March 29, 2013

Family Involvement and Attendance

In the world of Scouting, I am just a fetus. I jumped in feet first back in August and then had to pull myself out when put on bedrest. I have been back and leading Tigers since February, I know just about two months now. In that short time I have noticed we have really bad attendance in my den. There are only three Tigers right now. More often than not one of the other Tigers is not in attendance. They are first graders and this in not their fault, they need that adult to bring them and be actively involved.

Waylon is already looking forward to earning his Eagle. I hope the other two are. I am going to plant a seed for Eagle. In our area there is a lot of drug/alcohol abuse, homelessness and gang activity. Our boys deserve better than that, they deserve to learn to be taught how to be honest and hardworking men. The deserve to be taught to not be afraid to learn new things, and honestly Cub Scouting is that stepping stone, outside of the home. When you walk into a meeting, you are a Scout before anything else. Your class, ethnicity and all that fall by the wayside...all you see are young men in uniforms wanting to Do Their Best. As a Den Leader, I Do My Best to try and motivate their parents to be active, but not do things for them. I want them involved and to spend this time with their son. Cub Scouts is part of know, Boy Scouts of America, not BabySitters of America.

In an effort to promote good attendance I implemented for my den Attendance Awards. After a year of such awards, they can earn a wearable award. They can wear something on their uniforms showing that they've done their absolute best to be at meeting, meaning that their adult did their best at getting them there. Trust me, I know their are days that you'd rather sit at home or go to a movie. This is roughly two hours out of a week (drive time and such), make it work.

My older Boy Scouts and my Brownie, they came in uniform and were happy to see their little brother get that Attendance Award. He's working on rank, and that's going to be awesome. Remember family involvement for B.S.A. mean FAMILY, the whole family. 

Happy Scouting

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Greeting a Patrol

On Saturday afternoon the Webelos from Pack 310 crossed over to Troop 310. Joaquin wanted to go and meet these new Scouts. He was told ahead of time that they would be in the same patrol.

The ceremony was very powerful, thanks to some lovely words from Mr. Ellis. He is the charter rep for our troop.

After the ceremony there was a light reception outdoors. Joaquin asked to stay for that. We stayed, sat with a mom and her son who crossed over. She was really nice and her son reminded me of my eight year old. She told me about her son and I told her about Joaquin.

At one point Joaquin wanted to leave and then disappeared. He was off playing some game with his troop and came back red faced. He was smiling, "Mom, I introduced myself to another Boy Scout." He was elated that the boy introduced himself back. It was big for him and he went back off to explore. It took all that I had not to cry. My shy boy was off making a friend or two.

When we were leaving I  snapped the picture above. He was actually happy, just ready to get some more water and have a rest. On the way home he asked, "Mom, why are these people all so nice to us?" His voice was shaky, you know how a sweet 10 year old boy sounds when he is about to cry. I just answered, "Sometimes you come across people who are mean or just don't understand you, sometimes you come across people with so much love that is spreads to everyone." He just smiled.

Easter Eggs

Waylons Pack had an Easter Egg Hunt and Picnic on Saturday. It was really a fun time. The Committee Chair brought confetti eggs, and we cleaned up the mess.

It was a potluck, which was pretty great. There was a fun Easter Egg Hunt and prizes. I made sure there were four prize bags, my kids won two and another family had two kids who won...yay for big families.

If I do this again next year, there are a few things I will add.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Girl Scout Fun

Maggie with Thin Min at World Thinking Day
Today was a very long and full day for Maggie. This morning Poppa took her to Build A Bear, her troop had an appointment to make Thin Mint. She had so much fun and was feeling blessed to spend that time with Poppa. They don't get much one on one time.
Poppa had a bit of "fun money" put aside for extras. He wasn't sure what was covered, we had prepaid for the bear and the bears clothes. She ended up adding scent, underpants and a heart that she recited the Girl Scout Promise into. 
When they came back home, I packed up Tanni and Maggie. We went off to World Thinking Day. Yes, another Girl Scout event. Maggie had so much fun, she was excited to taste new foods and meet a lot of new people. We had received permission to bring Tanni, I am exclusively breastfeeding. Maggie was so excited to share the event with her baby sister. She wanted everyone to see her and say hi. Good thing I am not a germaphobe.
It's kind of great to see how much she has blossomed. Watching her from a distance interact with other girls, introduce herself and sing. It was really great. Glad I was able to be a part of it.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Tiger in A Tiger in A Button
  • super glue
  • big blue button
  • tiger button
  • milk jug handle
  • pliers
  1. cut the handle into a small 1/2 inch strip
  2. use pliers to cut button back off of tiger button
  3. put glue on ears and under chin, of the tiger.
  4. press tiger button to blue button
  5. let dry
  6. glue milk jug piece on to back of button
  7. let dry
  8. wear

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Being Prepared

Teaching the square knot.
Joaquin has an MRI today, so he stayed home from Boy Scouts last night. He wanted Jimmy to teach him the square knot and to help him learn the requirements for Boy Scout rank.

I have never had my kids memorize things, except our address and Jimmys phone number. Then there are the things that they have learned and just held on to in their head. For Joaquin, I am not sure how long it will take, only because he is so shy. I am hoping when he goes and shows  he knows these things, that the person in charge doesn't take his shyness (Autism) as anything disrespectful. I know there are people who "just don't get it", or "understand it" and then there are those who think "it's a bunch of crap." I am trying to be positive as I haven't been to a meeting. I will be there next Monday though. 

Joaquins 1st Squareknot

Look at the smile on his face that he has accomplished something he wanted.  I will add, he wanted to be a Boy scout, it's nothing anyone else has suggested. I can only imagine how far he will go....he's already come so far.

Scouting with Autism Resources

Monday, March 11, 2013

Uniforms and Stuff

 Trying to get everyones uniforms in order. I was able to get Waylon his hat at the scout shop. I really need to get him socks. I can not believe I forgot.

Waylon really loves being a Tiger. He is enjoying it and has made friends with a Bear. The kid is really nice to him.

Joaquin went to a troop meeting and really enjoyed it. We will be registering him on Monday. Jimmy did not recall the exact color of their hats and neckerchiefs. I guess another scout shop trip is in our future.

Dexter wants to join the troop Joaquin is joining. He is giving him some times, so Joaquin can make his own friends. He loves and respects his brother and all of his quirks. This melts me into mommy goo. He will be joining a Venturing Crew soon as well.

I may be helping with a Girl Scout troop come summer. Maggie is excited. Here I thought all this time my kids spend with me, they would want to just be left alone. I was fooled. I don't mind helping.
Jimmy will find his spot to help with Joaquins troop, to assist him and help him be the best he can be. I will probably help out in some capacity as he wants us both involved.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Waylons Achievements Tiger

January 2013

February 2013

Blue and Gold

Blue and Gold was last week for Waylons Pack. He received his Bobcat , his beltloop and pin for Citizenship. It was a pretty great night. I took part of the candle lighting ceremony and took pictures of the night. He was excited that he has earned his rank and is adding beltloops and pins. He is also pretty happy he is learning new things and meeting new people. He said he was most happy that I am now Den Leader. The kid is too darn cute.